Pages tagged "Rainforest"
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Are the Forests Safe From Logging?
Posted by Isaac Carne · December 09, 2024 12:28 PM
Forests Still Need Your Voice
Posted by Isaac Carne · August 19, 2024 9:59 AM
Day of Forest Defenders: Podcast & Video remembering our fallen legends
Posted by Ruben Rubens · January 18, 2024 12:45 PM
Visit East Gippsland's ancient forests (that need your help)
Looking for a beautiful tourist destination when the regions open? Forget VisitVictoria's website and head straight to Victoria's logging agency, VicForests' site. You'll be sure to find maps with the best (and last) ancient forests in the state. There's a catch though... they're all scheduled for logging.
If you're an experienced bush-walker, nature lover, or are looking to witness some of the most significant trees and ancient rainforests in Victoria, this threatened rainforest walk on the Errinundra Plateau should be on your priority list.
Read moreThis image doesn't do justice to the 40m tall, 12.5m circumference Cut-tail Ash in forests scheduled for logging
Environment Department fails to put in proper rainforest protections on Mt Jersey
GECO citizen scientists have discovered the Environment Department has failed to put in proper buffers for an area of cool-temperate rainforest on Mt Jersey in East Gippsland currently being logged. Rainforest stands are meant to be given a 100m Special Protection Zone (SPZ) buffer, a requirement by law which the Environment Department is responsible for implementing. VicForests has already logged within the area which should have been afforded protection. The forests are fire-affected but recovering, citizen scientists have observed and documented rainforest species like Sassafrass and Black Olive Berry re-sprouting. Read the report we submitted to the Department here.
Recovering cool-temperate rainforest, Mt Jersey East Gippsland
"The forests are now silent", short film tells the story of Kuark
Earlier this year we visited the ancient forests of Kuark with wilderness photographer Rob Blakers.
A shocking series of before-and-after shots show the horrific impacts of the fires to ancient and rare cross-overs of warm and cool temperate rainforests.
Environment Victoria traveled to bushfire affected areas and communities to create a series of short films. This part in the series shares the story of Kuark, Rob's journey there, and of long-time forest campaigner and ecologist Rena Gaborov, who lost her home and wildlife shelter in the fires.
It brings home the urgent need to protect forests and wildlife across Victoria in the wake of this summer's catastrophic bushfires. Government logging cannot go on business as usual in burnt and unburnt forests when so much has been lost.
Take action and email Premier Dan Andrews here
Read morePhotos reveal Kuark forest devastated by recent bushfires
After a five year long community campaign, the iconic Kuark forest in East Gippsland was finally protected by the Victorian government. Tragically, Kuark was severely impacted by the devastating fires of 2019/2020. Kuark forest was one of the most bio-diverse forests in Victoria, rich in wildlife, rare rainforest and old growth forests.
After months of wondering with hope and fear of how Kuark had been impacted by the fires, Tasmanian nature photographer Rob Blakers and GECO campaigners returned to the area to document the devastation. Sadly the scale and intensity of the destruction wrought by the fires is profoundly devastating. Read a report from The Guardian Australia here.
Mount Kuark old growth forest
Read moreRainforests turned to ashes and logging industry calls to loot burnt forests
Below is footage of Martin's Creek, the largest area of warm temperate rainforest in Victoria that burnt in the bushfires in East Gippsland. Meanwhile the logging industry has been asking for government funding to salvage log in burnt areas. This is essentially further destroying forests that have been burnt despite proven damage to ecosystems and wildlife which urgently need assistance to recover, not further destruction and damage. Logging is still happening in Victoria despite catastrophic losses of forests and wildlife. All forests are now critical refuges for remaining threatened flora and fauna.
Call the Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews on (03) 9651 5000 and tell him; no salvage logging in burnt areas, and protection of all remaining unburnt forests.
Rainforest illegally logged at Tonghi creek
Protected rainforest and rainforest buffers have been illegally logged by VicForests near Tonghi Creek in far East Gippsland. Logging by VicForests in coupe 868-506-0009 "Granton Road" has impacted on rainforest in numerous locations a several hectares of forest that should have been protected in a rainforest buffer has been logged.
We have reported the breach to the regulator Department of Environment Land Water and Planning and written to the Office of Conservation Regulation.
Response to independent review of logging regulation GECO / TWS / FoE
The Wilderness Society and Goongerah Environment Centre and Friends of the Earth
Independent Review of Timber Harvesting Regulation joint response
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VicForests let off the hook for logging protected rainforest
Charges against state owned logging company VicForests relating to logging of protected rainforest in East Gippsland have been thrown out by the Melbourne Magistrates court today.
VicForests contested the charges arguing the charge sheet prepared by the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) did not specify the precise nature of the charges.
Charges were laid by DELWP after a Sunday age investigation revealed the department’s systemic failure to enforce rainforest protection legislation.
The logged rainforest near Cann River that led to criminal charges
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VicForests defends rainforest logging charges in Melbourne Court
Government owned logging agency VicForests appeared in Melbourne Magistrates Court today defending charges for logging protected rainforest areas near Cann River in East Gippsland. Charges were laid by the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) after community reporting of a serious breach of rainforest protections in March 2016.