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Pages tagged "Threatened species"

Report shows damning destruction of Greater Glider habitat

Our latest report has been published documenting logging of more than 600 hectares of Greater Glider habitat since the species was listed as vulnerable under Victorian legislation in June 2017. 

Gliding towards extinction - an investigation into Greater Glider habitat logged since the species was listed as threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act highlights how government inaction and failing environmental laws are having dire consequences for forest dependent threatened species in Victoria.

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Pressure on Labor to protect forests as flying possum glides towards extinction

More than 600 hectares of known Greater Glider habitat has been logged since the animal was listed as vulnerable to extinction under Victorian law and thousands of hectares are planned to be logged, research by environment groups has found.

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Greater Glider find exposes failed government survey program

Rare and threatened Greater Gliders have been found by community surveys at Granite Mountain on the Errinundra plateau this week. The old growth forest has been at the centre of controversy since logging begun in late January.

Over 4000 people have emailed Premier Daniel Andrews calling on him to act to stop the logging and protect East Gippsland's forests. Direct action group Forest conservation Victoria established a blockade of the forest on Monday that has stopped logging for the past 5 days. 

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Threatened Species Day statement - Decisive action needed to protect Threatened Species from logging

Victorian environment groups are marking National Threatened Species Day by calling on the Andrews Labor government to take decisive action to protect forest wildlife from logging and fast track a long overdue action plan for the vulnerable Greater Glider.

Concerns are being raised that despite Premier Andrews Forest Industry Taskforce reaching key agreements on the urgent need to protect forests and threatened species habitats, logging has continued unabated in critical habitat.

Image: Recent logging of Greater Glider habitat in East Gippsland

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Support the Ending Extinction Bill

To mark National Threatened Species Day 2018 we’ve created the Ending Extinction Bill.

We’re showing leadership because our political representatives are failing to.

The Bill calls for strong protections for Victoria’s threatened species and a raft of measures that will stop rare plants and animals sliding further towards extinction.

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A look behind VicForests killing experiment

In late July ABC news exposed a shocking experiment being conducted by state owned logging company VicForests. The agency is logging the habitat of Greater Gliders, an animal already threatened with extinction, to see how many survive. 

VicForests released a lengthy statement justifying the so called 'research' that has been labelled the terrestrial equivalent of so called scientific whaling.  

Click here to view the ABC news TV story. 

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Andrews government granted VicForest license to kill Greater Gliders

VicForests has been conducting an abhorrent experiment that involved logging the homes of threatened Greater Gliders to see how it impacts on the species.

The government logging company says the experiment is 'very likely' to kill Greater Gliders, an animal already acing extinction. 

VicForests has released a statement defending their unethical actions.

Surveys for the experiment were given approval by the Animal Ethics Committee within Minister Jaala Pulford's Department of Economic Development. 

Please send a email to the Ministers responsible for VicForests. Agriculture Minister Jaala Pulford and Treasurer Tim Pallas.

Call on them to stop the killing experiment and protect East Gippsland's forests from logging.

A look inside VicForests killing experiment - photos

What does logged forest that once supported Greater Gliders look like? This is the logging coupe called 892-507-0020 or 'Squirrel's Paw' where VicForests logged the home ranges of dozens of Greater Gliders knowing they would kill them.

Read the ABC report here 

Watch the ABC TV story here 

Email Environment Minister Lily D'Ambroiso and calling on her to protect East Gippsland's forests by creating the Emerald Link. 

Take action here and send your email 

VicForests logging experiment ‘very likely’ to kill threatened wildlife

The Victorian government’s logging agency VicForests is conducting a controversial experiment in East Gippsland that it says is ‘very likely’ to kill Greater Gliders, a forest species listed as vulnerable to extinction.

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Surveys protect Yellow Bellied Glider habitat

A GECO citizen science survey conducted in the Kuark forest has resulted in a new protection zone for Yellow Bellied Gliders. The state environment department has written to GECO confirming the results of their investigation met the requirements for a new protection zone.  

Read the GECO survey report here. 

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