Pages tagged "tree sit"
Tree-sit protests in Melbourne's CBD and East Gippsland call for protection of forests
A tree-sit has been set up in Melbourne's CBD in solidarity with ongoing protests in Errinundra, East Gippsland. For four weeks a blockade has stopped logging in East Gippsland. Search and rescue police have already arrived to arrest the tree-sitter bringing the issue to Melbourne's Treasury Gardens.
The Premier Dan Andrews listened to the health advice when it came to tackling the pandemic. But his government are ignoring scientific advice to protect key refuge areas for threatened species impacted by the bushfires, and logging is going ahead and scheduled in hundreds of areas across Victoria.
Tree-sit in Treasury Gardens in solidarity with Errinundra protests
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Tree-sit halts logging on the Errinundra Plateau
Protesters are occupying an area of forest about to be logged on the Errinundra Plateau in East Gippsland. One local community member has taken residence in a tree-sit suspended 40 metres up a giant Eucalypt tree to halt destruction of the area. The tree-sit is located in one of the last unburnt areas of forest in East Gippsland for endangered wildlife heavily impacted by last year’s bushfire.
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View from the tree-sit over the Errinundra Plateau
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