Pages tagged "VicForests"
Government fights to continue old growth logging as Supreme Court trial continues
This morning, the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) will defend the Government’s continued logging of old growth forests in the face of vehement community opposition, as the trial Fauna and Flora Research Collective Inc v The Secretary to DELWP and VicForests resumes in Victoria’s Supreme Court, for its final 3 days.
Fauna and Flora Research Collective (FFRC) - represented by Environmental Justice Australia - is seeking to enforce the protection of the minimum area of old-growth forest required by law across East Gippsland (60% of old growth wet and damp forest), a measure the Government has failed to implement.
An ancient tree inside the Granite Mountain coupe currently being logged.
Andrews government claims old growth forest protection obligations are 'drafting error'
The Supreme court case brought by Fauna and Flora Research Collective (FFRC) against the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (Environment Department) and VicForests will proceed after the case did not settle at court-ordered mediation yesterday.
Cottonwood range forest failing to regenerate, more logging planned.
Recent surveying in the Cottonwood range forests has revealed vast areas of failed regeneration after logging. VicForests recently added 9 new logging areas (coupes) to their plans in the Cottonwood range, more than 20 coupes are on the logging plans in the Cottonwood.
Logging operations in this high altitude environment are failing to regenerate, this coupe was logged in 2004. Once a tall wet forest with a diversity of plant and animal species, it's now a paddock of grasses and dead bracken.
This is land clearing, not "sustainable" logging. Logging operations are currently occurring within 700m of this area of failed regeneration. There are 20 planned coupes all with in a 2km radius of the area. Will the forests being logged now and in the future on the Cottonwood range also fail to regenerate? It's very likely.
High altitude areas often fail to regenerate due to colder temperatures and frosts. Our photo was posted by our friends Environment East Gippsland on their facebook page and the ABC ran a story about this environmental disaster. Click read more to see the story.
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Vic government fines surveyors who exposed illegal rainforest logging!
The State government has issued fines to three citizen science surveyors who reported illegal rainforest logging. Despite the State government committing to implementing a raft of changes to logging rules in light of the information we provided, fines have been issued for entering logging "safety zone". We'll be fighting the fines in court and will not be silenced for speaking out about VicForests unlawful logging operations.
The so called 'safety zones' are designed to keep the public out of the forests and shield VicForests logging operations from scrutiny. We'll continue to monitor and document logging operations. It's in the public interest for the public to know what is happening in their forests.
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Victorian Government Thanks Conservationists For Exposing "Disturbing" Logging Practices By Fining Them
Thom Mitchell
The Victorian government has fined a conservationist who exposed what the Environment Minister described as “very disturbing” and “extremely poor practice” logging, despite reports he helped prepare becoming a catalyst for substantial reform of industry guidelines.
Originally published by New Matilda:
VicForests to benefit from inclusion of 'wood waste' burning in Renewable Energy Target
Originally published on the ABC website
Updated 29 May 2015, 8:40am
Environment Minister Greg Hunt introduced the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment Bill on Wednesday.
The legislation locks in the bipartisan deal for a new, lower, 2020 Renewable Energy Target.
But, controversially, it reinstates the burning of native forest wood waste as a renewable energy source in the RET scheme.
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