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East Gippsland’s Emerald Link  aims to protect mainland Australia's last remaining unbroken forest wilderness area via the expansion of a visitor economy coming to see it. 


Connecting ecosystems

East Gippsland boasts a unique and breathtaking landscape unlike anywhere else in mainland Australia. It is the only place in the country that offers a continuous connection of natural ecosystems spanning from alpine to coastal landscapes. This impressive feature makes East Gippsland a rare and internationally significant destination.

Despite occupying only 9% of Victoria, the region is home to over one-third of all listed Victorian threatened species and vegetation types. From snow-capped mountains to lush warm and cool temperate rainforests, all the way through to Victoria's rugged coasts, these forests showcase unparalleled natural beauty and ecological importance.

But East Gippsland's value extends beyond its remarkable scenery and ecological significance. If properly managed and appreciated, it has the potential to become a major domestic and international tourism attraction.

Download a copy of the East Gippsland's Emerald Link report here.

Kuark Falls

Sea to Summit Trail Proposal

The Sea to Summit experience

Emerald Link proposes the creation of the Sea to Summit, a multi-day hiking trail connecting mountain to coastal environments.

The Victorian Government commissioned a $1,5M market research to explore the creation of a multi-day hiking experience based on Emerald Link's proposal. The research outcome shows a strong demand and a significant economic impact for the region. The government has indicated that a business case is being developed as the next step for the Sea to Summit experience.

Have a look at the summary of the market research.

The Emerald Link continues to advocate for the investment required with the Victorian Government to make the Sea to Summit a reality. A project that has the potential to bring significant visitors and a boost of jobs to East Gippsland.

Emerald Link is a project developed in partnership between Goongerah Environment Centre and The Wilderness Society Victoria.


The Emerald Link is a refuge for threatened species of plants and animals - some of which are found nowhere else on earth.