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Forests and Gliders are falling - lets get calling!

Thank you for sending your email to Minister Pulford and Treasurer Pallas. 

Can you follow up with a phone call to their offices? 

Personal phone calls really do make a difference, especially when decision makers receive enough of them.  

Please take a few minutes to make a call to their offices. 

The Hon Jaala Pulford - Minister for Agriculture

Ph: (03) 8392 6000

The Hon Tim Pallas - Treasurer of Victoria 

(03) 9741 1133

Remember to be polite, our message is listened to and taken notice of more if we are respectful and well mannered. 

You can let their offices know your own thoughts and refer back to the main points in the email that you sent for talking points. 

A copy of the text from the email is below. 

Go for it! And thank you for your support and all you do for our forests.  

To make a tax deductible donation to support our work click here 

To the Hon Jaala Pulford Minister for Agriculture and The Hon Tim Pallas Treasurer of Victoria, 
I am very concerned about logging occurring in East Gippsland's forests. These forests are a haven for rare wildlife and biodiversity yet they are still subject to environmentally destructive logging operations. 
I am especially concerned that VicForests, the logging agency you are responsible for, is conducting an unethical and unnecessary experiment where it is logging habitat for the threatened Greater Glider to see how the operation impacts on the species. 
VicForests admitted on ABC news that the experiment is 'very likely' to kill Greater Gliders. 
VicForests say they The Wildlife and Small Institutions Animal Ethics Committee of Department of Economic Development Jobs Transport and Resources has approved VicForests’ application for conducting this research. 
Minister Pulford, I am very disappointed that your department would approve such an unethical experiment that is killing a threatened species already facing extinction. I call on you to immediately stop the experiment so that no further killing of Greater Gliders takes place and to cancel VicForests Animal Ethics permit. 
Treasurer Pallas, as the sole shareholder of VicForests I call on you to instigate fundamental reform of this agency that is solely funded by the Victorian tax payer.
VicForests logging operations in East Gippsland lose up to $5.5 million of tax payers money each year. This money could be better spent on transitioning the native logging industry into plantations and non timber sources of fibre and stimulating the economy and job creation through investment in nature based tourism and environmentally focused land management programs. 
The East Gippsland Emerald Link proposal presents a great opportunity for the Labor government to restore their once great legacy of environmental protection and grow investment and jobs in East Gippsland. 
The proposal seeks to create a continuous linkage of protected forests from the Australian Alps to the East Gippsland coast. It would safeguard a future for mainland Australia's last remaining intact alpine to coastal forests, a critical stronghold for threatened species such as the Greater Glider. 
The proposal also seeks to establish the Sea to Summit forest trail, a multi day hiking and car touring route that would allow visitors to experience these great connected forest environments and stimulate private sector investment in the region and grow sustainable jobs. 
I respectfully call on you both, as the Ministers responsible for VicForests, to end VicForests unethical logging experiment and protect East Gippsland's forests by creating the Emerald Link.