Federally listed threatened species such as the Greater Glider and Leadbeater's possum are being driven to extinction by logging of their habitat.
Join us on the steps of the Victorian Parliament on Monday evening at 5:30pm to stand up for our forest wildlife and call on the state government to stop logging their habitat.
Logging is exempt from Federal environment law that is supposed to protect threatened species. The exemption is granted through the Regional Forest Agreements.
This week the Victorian government is expected to extend the East Gippsland agreement and keep logging's legal exemption.
Whatever the state government decide to do we need to raise our voices for our threatened forest wildlife.
With the recent news that our forests can no longer provide enough wood to supply Victoria's largest mill, it's now or never for forest wildlife. After years of mismanagement and over logging of their habitat iconic animals have been pushed to the brink of extinction.
It's time to protect what remains of their habitat.
We'll have colorful banners, fluffy animal suits, guest speakers and a big group photo sending a message of support for our threatened forest wildlife.
No exemptions, No extensions, No extinctions.
See you there!