We launched our beautiful new film "Saving Kuark" at Bar 303 in Northcote this week. The film by Melbourne based cinematographer David Franjic was shot at the Camp Kuark citizen science camp in March this year and tells the story of our community based citizen science program in the Kuark forest. Watch the film here
Speakers at the film launch included ecologist, Damien Cook who spoke about the ecological values of Kuark forest and the unique rainforest and fauna species that call it home.
Image: Ecologist Damien Cook in the Kuark Forest.
Prominent Environmental Lawyer, Vanessa Bleyer spoke about the value of community based campaigns and the use of citizen science data collection to hold the government and VicForests accountable to environmental protection laws. Vanessa discussed the Supreme Court Case concerning the protection of Owl habitat, that has currently put logging in Kuark on hold thanks to GECOs citizen science work and Environment East Gippsland's legal action.
Image: Environmental Lawyer, Vanessa Bleyer
GECO campaigner Ed Hill also spoke about the ongoing efforts to save the Kuark forest and how people can get involved.
Check out the Kuark forest blog spot for more info about the Kuark forest campaign.