Protected rainforest and rainforest buffers have been illegally logged by VicForests near Tonghi Creek in far East Gippsland. Logging by VicForests in coupe 868-506-0009 "Granton Road" has impacted on rainforest in numerous locations a several hectares of forest that should have been protected in a rainforest buffer has been logged.
We have reported the breach to the regulator Department of Environment Land Water and Planning and written to the Office of Conservation Regulation.
Field inspections of VicForests logging coupe 868-506-0009 “Granton rd” identified protected warm temperate rainforest near the southern and western boundaries of the coupe. The rainforest has not been afforded the required minimum buffer protections and has been freshly impacted by logging.
Photo: Large old tree felled into rainforest canopy on western boundary of coupe
Rainforest is protected in Victoria and logging of rainforest is prohibited by law. Rainforest within and adjacent to forests subject to commercial logging operations is required to be protected within buffer zones that surround rainforest stands.
Based on field inspections, data collected at three sites, analysis of that data and analysis of legislation and regulatory documents our report concludes that rainforest and rainforest buffers have been logged unlawfully in the Granton rd coupe.
Photo: Logging of rainforest on western boundary of coupe
Our report presents evidence of warm temperate rainforest stands within four areas of the coupe where field inspections were most intensively focussed. We allege logging in these areas has breached rainforest protections detailed in the Code of Practice for Timber Production and has not been conducted in accordance with the Sustainable Forests (Timber) Act 2014.
Recommendations are made to investigate VicForests and DELWP practices and procedures and articulate actions to address non compliance to rainforest protections and prosecute VicForests for breaches.
Photo: Logged rainforest buffer on southern boundary of coupe
Map 1: Logging disturbance and warm temperate rainforest presence in Granton rd coupe
Photo: Logged rainforest on western boundary of coupe
Photo: Bulldozed Lily Pily and Jungle Grape rainforest canopy in south west of coupe
Photo: Logged rainforest buffer on western boundary of coupe
Map 2: Rainforest and logging overview
Photo: Logged rainforest buffer on southern boundary of coupe
Photo: VicForests logging coupe boundary demarcation tapes tied to Lily Pily tree in rainforest canopy area.
Photo: Jungle Grape vine in rainforest approximately 10m from logging on southern boundary of the coupe